Thursday, April 4, 2019

Rising Star Release

Rising Star
by J. Haney & S.I. Hayes
Contemporary New Adult Romance

In a competition for fame, they must surrender to the music and each other.

Cassiopeia Eleanor. A name that just begs to be heard. A successful singer in small-town Mississippi, she finds only disappointment in California. It’s a tale as old as they come until she sees the flyer for a new kind of musical talent show. Rising Star could be her ticket to success. Now, she’s on her way. She’s moving through the ranks, and nothing is gonna slow her down.

J.T Chase is a man possessed by his passions. Having left the Seminary, he’s spent the last eight years working the bar and club scene, trying to share his music. Rising Star is his chance to show the world that he can succeed.

Copyright © 2019 J. Haney & S.I. Hayes Rising Star
  1 - Cassiopeia
What was I thinking? I can’t do this. Yet, here I am, pacing the corridor, waiting on my final audition into Rising Star. The newest singing competition. My best friend, Zuela, is waiting for me to be called to the stage. I can hear clapping and talking from where I’m at, but not much more at the moment. I can’t tell you what anyone is saying but it sounds like there’s a lot of people out there. Zu and I decided on a sea-foam green maxi chiffon dress matched with a pair of my favorite cowboy boots. It’s cut up to the thigh with a low-cut v into the neck, and I’m really starting to think I picked out the wrong outfit. I should have just gone with the jeans. Then we fall to the questions. What if I mess up? What if I forget the lyrics? What if I miss a note on the piano? These are just some of the questions that have filtered through my head throughout this process.
“Miss, you can take the stage.” A guy says handing me a mic.
I take the mic with shaky hands. “Th-Thank you.”
With a nod, he’s gone and I’m walking through a door that could possibly change my life forever. Did I pick the right song? Jesus what if they don’t like the song? What if someone else has already done it?
“Shut up Cassi! It’s time to pull on your big girl panties and show this world what it’s been missing.” I say my new little mantra to myself once more, before taking a deep breath and walking up on stage where the piano awaits me. There’s a sheet-like thing between me and everyone else in the room.
I fix the mic, so it’s stationed before I face the piano and situate my fingers on the keys. I play the first notes of New York State of Mind by Billy Joel. The world seems to melt away and I’m all alone doing what I love.
I don’t come back to reality till I’m shutting the lid on the piano and taking a deep breath. This also happens at the same time as the cheering and clapping start. Looking around I see people everywhere. I can’t even guess how many people are in here. I grab the mic from the stand and take my place before the four people that can change my life forever.
From right to left we have… Arthur Crow, he’s the front man for United Underground. It’s a UK rock phenomenon. Next to him is MC Rolland and he works specifically in Rap and R&B. Beside him is the only female judge, Kay Hernandez she sings what the world considers Bubblegum Pop but dresses as a Cyber Punk Goth. It’s really weird but she’s got quite the following. Last but most certainly not least is Kyle Jagger he’s part of the southern rock sensation known as Fallen Angels. Three of them are writing notes while the one I’m most nervous about is looking me up and down.
“Well, if you all ain’t gonna speak,” Kyle says uncrossing his legs from the top of the table, sitting forward. “You most certainly don’t look like a Ringo, but you play like one and I respect that.”
He refers to his bandmate, Ringo Thomas. Their keyboardist and right now, the man of the hour. “T-thank you, I don’t think I’m anywhere near his caliber, but I’ll take the compliment.”
Arthur Crow speaks but only to say. “Billy Joel would be proud.”
“Thank you, he’s an amazing artist.”
MC Rolland finally looks up from his tablet. “Now how does such a big voice come out of such a little girl? Come down here and let us see you.”
I walk so I’m closer to the judges. “Pretty sure Ma would say it’s from growing up singing in the church choir. You have to stay on your toes with those ladies.”
“I don’t know about you guys, but I want to see what else she can sing. Whatcha got in you, honey? Just something off the top of your head.” Kay instructs.
I take a deep breath and say my mantra in my head once before starting the opening to Tough Lover from the movie Burlesque done by none other than Christina Aguilera. I connect my eyes with each of the judges at least once before the song is over.
Kyle starts laughing and clapping. “You know I’ve met her, sweet little thing.”
“I can’t say that I’ve ever actually met her. I’ve waited on her once but never actually got to meet her.”
“So, you wait tables, well I hope you can get some time off because I think I can speak for the rest of us here when I say welcome aboard miss…?” Arthur raises a brow at me...
“Cassiopeia Eleanor.”
Kay sits back. “Well isn’t that a mouth full?”
“That’s what she said.” Comes from Kyle.
“Thank you all so much.”
I shake each judges hand before walking away. Holy Shit! I made it. I can’t believe I’m actually going. Yes, I’ve got to battle against a hundred or so others to make it through but at least I get that chance.
It doesn’t take me long to find Zu and my stuff. I wrap myself around her. “I can’t believe I did it!”
“Careful honey or I’m going to start to think you like me a little too much.” She kisses me on the forehead.

“I just got eye-fucked by Kyle Jagger and I liked it.”

Copyright © 2019 J. Haney & S.I. Hayes Rising Star
2 - Jackson
Ugh! I wish they would set us up with our rooms already. Sitting here with the competition is not my idea of a good time. I sang I played, and then they thought they'd stumped me by making me sing again. Little did they know acapella is sort of my thing. I broke out with Outside from Staind and watched as their mouths dropped.
Kay, the only female of the judges seems to like my style as she complimented me on my glow-in-the-dark tongue ring. Of course, I complimented her on her hair fall.
I'm sitting in the Green room with earbuds in, listening to a few mixes I put together, trying to decide just what I'm going to do to set myself out from the rest of the sheeple. I don't care about the rest of these fools, I just want to make it to the next round and the round after that. I feel the couch depress next to me and have to look up, sure enough, one of these bozos wants to talk.
Pulling out my bud I raise an eyebrow, “Can I help you?” I asked as kindly as I could, smile screwed on tight.
“Man, that was some righteous singing. The way you belted that one-and then they made you do another.”
He's talking as if I wasn't there, I just shrug my shoulders as he extends his hand.
“Christian Rush and they said you're Jackson?”
“It's JT actually, they just want to call me Jackson.”
“JT? Like Timberlake, right? I get it.” Christian laughs punching me lightly in the shoulder.
I look at my shoulder, then at him and his chuckle fades. “So, what you working on man? You write your own stuff? I saw you playing the piano now you got this guitar, anything you can't do?”
Can't get idiots to leave me alone. I think if I don't say it. I'm not looking to make friends but I'm also not looking to make enemies, I have seen these kinds of shows. They're always looking for the drama I am not a llama.
I cast a cursory glance around the room, not much to tell 80 people all schools of musical talent some rock, some rap, some R&B, a lot of Pop, they look the parts. Me? I'm just your Average Joe. Six foot one, two hundred pounds, dark hair, just past my shoulders, a couple of tattoos, and some piercings. Couldn't pick me out of a crowd until I open my mouth. My parents always said God had a plan for me, I thought that meant I should walk in his steps but as it turns out my gift was music not to live piously.
I'm sure there are plenty of people here to party with- not really my scene. Christian’s still going on and on I'm just smiling and nodding.
“Oh, that's great- so you’ll come? I could use the wingman!”
I turn my head. Wait- what? What have I just committed myself to? Christian stands up pushing my laptop closed, he doesn't see the look of rage that crosses my eyes, as he hands it to me.
The Babadook is one hell of a club, they should give us our rooms and then we'll be on our own. About 8:30. I'll meet you in the hotel lobby. Guess I was going to become part of the party scene.
Eight twenty-five and I'm in the hotel lobby, they gave us our rooms and of course our roommates. I'm just going to call mine Shrek. He's big, he’s Scottish and saltier than the Pacific Ocean. Something tells me I'm not going to be spending a lot of time in that room.
Here comes Christian, a girl on each arm and two of them behind, I don't know how he does it, being the short fat kid from class, but these ladies seem to love him.

For Her

Written By Jackson Chase
Some time ago, I met a girl and she upturned my world.
Brought meaning to my life, took my strife and gave me love.
Unconditional, and it’s for her I live.
For her my all I give.
She who wasn’t here before me, who I couldn’t see, sees me.
Now she’s all that remains of other days,
From love so strong, with her  I belong.
She loves me.
Unconditional, and it’s for her I live.
For her my all I give.
She who wasn’t here before me, who I couldn’t see, sees me.
For her I’ll catch the moon, steal fire and brave the darkest lagoons.
Silver, gold, jewels whatever my baby wants, it’s her rules. And I love her.
Unconditional, and it’s for her I live.
For her my all I give.
She who wasn’t here before me, who I couldn’t see, sees me.
Unconditional, and it’s for her I live.
For her my all I give.
She who wasn’t here before me, who I couldn’t see, sees me.

And she loves me, and that’s the greatest gift of all.

J. Haney was born and raised in Kentucky, currently residing in Greenup County, Kentucky with her family, where she is the proud momma to Jessalyn Kristine and co-owner of Proud Momma Designs, which she runs with her amazing Momma. J. Haney’s work tends to lean toward sweet and sexy, with suspenseful undertones, giving her readers something to hold onto. 
S.I. Hayes was born and bred in New England and is currently living in Ohio. Running around Connecticut, she used all of her family and friends as inspiration for her many novels. When not writing Paranormal Drama or Erotic Romance, she can be found drawing one of many fabulous book covers or teasers. To see them, check out her website. 
The pair met while working for a former publisher and became fast friends. Their split dynamics and views on life, family, and love in general, led to the idea of Stolen Moments: A County Fair Romance their foray into the Rocker Genre with A Sex, Drugs, and Rock Romance and their newest Working-Class Beauties. They do hope to bring you more in the months to come, so keep your eyes open and a fresh pair of panties close by. You know, just in case.

J. Haney 
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