Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Undeniably Release & Giveaway

Title: Undeniably
Series: Brighton Academy #3
Author: Cala Riley
Genre: New Adult Romance
Release Date: June 10, 2020


There was only one woman in the world who had the power to destroy me.
Morgan Wright.
I never thought I would see her again. Then she showed back up out of the blue, weaseling her way back into my life.

Keaton Yates is everything I hate. Two years ago, we were best friends.
Until he did the unthinkable and broke my heart. Moving back means being back on Keaton’s turf. Am I strong enough to survive a second time?

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"I can't believe we just did that," she whispers against my chest.
"Oh, come on, like you never saw that happening. You even admitted to having a crush on me when we were younger." I chuckle.
"Fine, you're right."
"Can you say that again?" I tease.
"Ugh." Morgan pushes on my chest. "You're ridiculous." 
I lean in and kiss her softly. "You have no idea." I kiss her again as my bedroom door flies open.
"He...Holy shit! Fuck! I just saw your fucking ass!" Sage screeches.

Also Available

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Author Bio

Cala Riley, better known as Cala and Riley, are a pair of friends with a deep seated love of books and writing. Both Cala and Riley are happily married and each have children, Cala with the four-legged kind while Riley has a mixture of both two-legged and four. While they live apart, that does not affect their connection. They are the true definition of family. What started as an idea that quickly turned into a full-length book and a bond that will never end. 

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Sour Grapes Release & Giveaway

Title: Sour Grapes
Series: Blue Plate #2
Author: Rachel Goodman
Genre: Light Women's Fiction/Chick Lit
Release Date: June 5, 2020


Uncork this delectable Texas Hill Country romance from the critically acclaimed author of From Scratch, the “smart, sexy, and funny” debut that “piles on the Southern charm” (Publishers Weekly).

Margaret Stokes is bitter. And not in the robust fine wine or tangy dark chocolate kind of way. She just got dumped, is fed up with her job as a glorified party-planner for the rich, and can’t possibly listen to one more veiled insult from her impossible-to-please mother. So she retreats to the comfort of her grandmother’s ramshackle bed and breakfast in Texas wine country, where the wide open vineyards are filled with surprises, from the shockingly delicious Tempranillo to the aggravating yet oh-so-tempting man who makes it.

Ryan Camden’s easy approach to life encourages Margaret to loosen up and have a little fun, despite her better judgment. She resists the urge to micromanage every detail, embracing the welcome distractions of her surroundings and letting their relationship unfold at a natural rhythm. But when a health scare forces Grammy J to give up the B&B, Margaret begins to wonder if Ryan really is the man he promises—and whether the problems she tried so hard to escape ever really went away.

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The night has taken on a dreamy quality, and it feels as if I'm buzzing in a sort of tipsy state that has nothing to do with the wine I've consumed and everything to do with my renewed sense of confidence.
Ryan is staring at me with an expression I can't quite read. It's part contemplative, part desire, part something else. I wait for him to speak, but he remains quiet.
As I start moving toward his SUV, he grabs my hand and draws me around to face him. We're standing so close I can smell the remnants of his aftershave and feel his breath on my forehead. Ryan brushes an errant strand of hair away from my cheek, his callused thumb ghosting over the sensitive spot below my ear. I swallow, my chest tight, as though there isn't enough space for my heart to fit inside my rib cage.
Ryan slides his hand around to cradle the back of my head, while the other travels down and settles on the curve of my hip. "If I kiss you again, is there going to be a jail cell on the other end of it?"
"Only one way to find out," I say with a breathless laugh.
He pulls me flush against him, and then his lips are on mine. An electric jolt shoots through me as the pressure of his mouth changes from tender and coaxing to needy and demanding.
And I'm right there with him, matching everything he's giving. My palms skate over his broad shoulders and arms, his shirtsleeves stretched over the hard muscle beneath. He tastes like the chocolate cake we shared for dessert. Like something I could eat every day for the rest of my life.
I weave my fingers into the soft hair that curls slightly at the nape of his neck, tugging gently at the roots. Ryan lets out a sexy grunt that I want to hear over and over again. He lifts me off the ground, and I hook my legs around his waist. He steps backward until I'm pressed against his car. With the dark surrounding us, it feels as if we can do anything and not get caught. A rush of heat shoots through me at the idea. I reach for the buttons on his—
Sudden loud barking makes us jump apart, our chests heaving.
I sway a bit before regaining my balance. I glance at Ryan, who looks as disoriented as I feel. Sticking her head out the open window, Bordeaux paws at the inner door handle. Ryan pushes on her nose and mutters what sounds like, "Great timing." Snorting, Bordeaux ducks back inside and drinks from the water bowl on the floor mat. Ryan turns to me, rubbing a frustrated hand down his face. "She's a resource guarder, and I'm her favorite toy."
I let out a shaky laugh, my whole body vibrating with pent-up energy. "Or maybe she's warning us that we're about to have an audience," I say, gesturing to the hostesses emerging from the side entrance of the restaurant. They walk around the building to the service lot.
Ryan's expression morphs from slightly irritated to focused and determined. He leans in close to me, his lips grazing the hint of collarbone peeking out from beneath my shirt. Air catches in my lungs and my skin prickles, but I force myself not to fidget, not to move for fear I may collapse right here on the gravel. Skimming his mouth up my neck, his breath stirring wisps of my hair, he whispers in my ear, "What happened to living recklessly?"
My brain is a fog, so I only manage to blurt, "Show me."
A devastatingly wicked grin spreads across his face. "Follow me."

Also Available

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Author Bio

Rachel Goodman is the critically acclaimed author of the Blue Plate and How to Score series. She was raised in Colorado on Roald Dahl books and her mother's award-worthy cooking. Now an engineering professor at her alma mater, Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, she has not lost her passion for culinary discovery or a well-told story. A member of RWA, she continues to hone her craft through the Writer's Path at SMU while seeking to create the perfect macaroni and cheese recipe. Follow her on Twitter (@mojitomaven), Instagram (@mojitomaven), and Facebook (@RachelGoodmanBooks), or visit her website at

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